Prof. David A. Walker
“Why digital books? The fact that they can be downloaded to your computer screen in a matter of minutes is one obvious advantage. Once there, the use of the ‘search’ or ‘find’ facility is usually better and faster than a conventional index. If the books have embedded hyperlinks and you are connected to broadband you have immediate access to a wealth of relevant information.
As always, of course, there is a snag. Digital books have to be hosted. Mine are hosted by the University of Sheffield but, such is the system that obtains at present, you would be unable to download them unless you were a student or member of staff of that university. Fortunately, as an emeritus professor of that university, I am allowed a little space on some vast computer from where they can be accessed just so long as I remain in the land of the living.
Not unnaturally, I would like to think that these pages, that took so much time and effort to create, might live just a little longer than their ageing author! I am therefore most grateful that the ISPR have them available to all of their members. for free download and use.”
Prof. David A. Walker